Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ice cream health tips

Ice creams, this is known as one of best desserts and often present on kiddie parties. Icre cream has many health benefits, this contains vitamins and minerals that is good for our body. The vitamins and minerals we can get on ice creams depends on the ingredients use by the maker.

Ice cream is made by churning and chilling a mixture containing high-fat milk or cream, fructose- or glucose-based sweeteners, usually in the form of corn syrup, and flavorings such as vanilla or chocolate. When the mixture freezes, it develops the rich, creamy consistency of ice cream, a food that can affect your health in both positive and negative ways.

Good source of energy:
Although the nutritional content of ice cream varies among brands and types, in general it is an excellent source of energy. Ice cream is rich in carbohydrate, with about 15 grams in a one-half-cup serving. A serving also contains about 7 grams of fat and 2 grams of protein, making it an energy-dense food. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one-half cup of vanilla ice cream provides 137 kilocalories of energy, about twice the amount in one-half cup of whole milk. Ice cream is a good choice when you need energy or if you are pursuing a program to gain weight.

Sugar and Fat content:
Ice cream is a high-fat food, since it must contain greater than 10 percent milk fat to be designated ice cream.

Tips: Don't eat ice cream daily, this is because it has concentrated amount of sugar and a lot of fats content which is not good to your health, this can be contributed on increase of weight.

Disclaimer: Images herein present are not mine.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

5 common foods that can cause cancer

Greetings, well as you know a lot of foods that we use to eat daily may cause cancer cells to go active. According to this article which can be read here, common foods that we usually serve daily are boosting this cancer cells so here are the top 5 cancer causing foods. You can eat this food, I love this foods and they were my favorites, but I keep it mind that eating this twice a week. We should be healthy in any way. Keep in mind that "We should eat healthy foods", so eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, it is much healthier than eating meat.

Fried potato (Fries)
Barbecue, burn meat and the like.
Sweetened beverages
 (Soda, Energy drinks, Etc)
Dough nuts


Disclaimer:  images here in present are not mine.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Vision is impaired 30% by Alcohol

Latest facts: Study shows that drinking alcohol can impair vision for about 30% while still under the influence of alcohol. Driver's that drink few glasses of alcohol still lose 30% of vision, of course this retains when your okay. Often few drivers drink alcohol within the limits allowed by the law, but still the fact the they lose 30% of vision while under it. 

Our vision is affected when we drink alcohol or any liquor drinks. 

"The researchers say this visual impairment would make distinguishing differences between objects based on lightness and darkness quite difficult." 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Facts about mobile phones

Mobile Phone Facts!
Hey guys I know you have mobile phone, this is considered a necessity for the past 10 years. A lot of company creating most innovative and efficient mobiles phones that we use today, having a cellphone must fit with your lifestyle so you can maximize its capability, here is an amazing facts about the mobile phone, did you know that over 250 million Nokia 1100 devices were sold, making it the bestselling electrical gadget in history.

The apple company sold 340,000 iPhone per day in 2012. This is one of the most bought gadget way back 2012.

Mobile phones contains 18 times more bacteria than in the toilet handles, make sure to disinfect before you eat if you hold your mobile phone, you need to at least clean your phone once 1 day with phone disinfectant.  Image source

In Japan 90% of their mobiles phones are waterproof. This is because teens in japan use it even in the shower and rainy days. Image source

Share this to your friends for amazing facts. Cheers

Benefits of Bitter Gourd

Health benefits of Bitter Gourd
This plant is endemic to Asia and most country. This vegetables has a bitter taste. Most people don't eat this vegetable because of its taste. But the way you cook matters, a person who knows how to cook this properly can remove the total bitterness.
Let's talk about the benefits we can get by eating this vegetable. There are lot of benefits we can have on this plant.

The vitamins and minerals present in this plant are the following: 
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and C
  • Magnesium
  • Folic acid
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorous
  • Manganese
Bitter gourd aid on people with asthma because of it heals respiratory disorders. It's also associated in lowering of the blood sugar level on those individuals with high sugar level. Regular eating of bitter gourd increases the percentage of not having hypertension. It is also attributed in fighting cancel cells based on the latest study. Those are just the benefits we can get by eating this plant. Share this to your friends for them to know.

Instant noodles risk

Noodles alert!
Hey guys, this is a friendly tips, do really love instants noodles? We'll you should limit your intake it is because the reality is that,  instant noodles has wax coating which is also found in Styrofoam containers. That is the reason why noodles don't stick to other when cooked. Our body needs up to 3 days to clean this wax. You need to at least limit your intake of instant noodles twice a week. Wax coat is contributed to increase the percentage of having cancer. You should avoid instant noodles like those pack in cups, because these are also high in preservatives which is bad to your health if you are not likely to eat fresh fruits or vegetables, it suggested that at least you should eat this instant noodles twice or thrice a week, this will make sure that the body has the time to eliminate the preservatives and other substance in our body. Please share this to your friends so they will know.

Image Source link : here

Cucumber health benefits


This vegetable has a lot of health benefits. You should it this at least twice in a week. What can we get on this veges? Well this plant is proven to avoid and decrease the rate of having cancer. We can get cancer if our lifestyle is not fit. You should have a balance diet and a proper exercise to have a fit and healthy body.

List of benefits we can have by eating this vegetable.

1.) Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins which is good for the health.
2.) Prevent dehydration
3.) Fight cancer cells, thus decreasing the rate of having cancer.
4.) Skin and hair care.
5.) Relieves bad breath.
6.) Hangover cure.
7.) Aids in weight loss and digestion.
8.) Cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure.
9.) Promotes joint health, relieves gout and arthritis pain.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Things not allowed in the airport

Hey, I create this blog to give you tips on what are the things you must have and should not be carry in the airport here in the Philippines, lets get started.

[From province going to Manila]

1.) Never bring alcoholic drinks. It's a big no no.
2.) Don't bring vinegar, fish paste and fish sauce, especially if you are flight is Cebu Pacific, a new memorandum was release stating the said things are not allowed.
3.) Don't bring shampoos and liquid detergent as well as gels and other cream and gel like products if it is not tightly sealed or closed. Better put in a box and cover it with packaging tape.

[From Manila going to any province]

1.) Again this is a no no, do not bring alcoholic drinks and hide it in your bags. If you want to bring liquors, then it is best that you put in a box and close it tightly.

Mostly you can freely bring things in your bags, the security is not that tight when your going to province and your from Manila. But to be sure, pack your goodies and cover it properly. Don't forget to bring packaging tape or staples, there are times that the aviation security wants you to open your package to confirm something.

That's all of it, I know some of you know's this but I feel like sharing it. Thank you for reading.