Monday, February 17, 2014

Are you a candidate for graduation?

Now, I ask you, are you a candidate for this very special event? Graduation, after long years of awaiting, you are now a going to graduate. Are  you a candidate? Some student now maybe very happy and excited knowing that they will soon graduate. To some, though it is sad, they will need to have another year. What wrong? After three or four or five years in college why add another year? Of course you will. Thats if you really don't do your best, I mean you didn't bother doing your best to pass the exam, pass your projects, create presentations, dance in front of the people, making a big speech during your class. All of us students must do that to earn grades or score. I did my best, studied every exam, pass a project, I did best on debate, attend seminars and recitation and yet while extend another year? This is a really a messed scenario. We'll this depends on your chosen field as well as your beloved school or university, why? You know all of the school and university wants their students to be the at their best, to be at the top of every licensing exams or becoming famous it is because your are carrying the name of your Alma Mater,  some university and schools pressure their students to the extent that some students ends of doing suicide. On each of this events there is always a story.

I would like to quote this story on one of inspiring film I watch on my second year on college. The film is "3 idiots", this film is really good to watch for every students, I hope that our deans and other faculty of staff watch this. It is the fact that this is really happening on every university or any institution giving knowledge. On that film a student committed a suicide his reason is easy to understand but as a student who is continuously under pressured, this is a heavy stuff. After spending a long years and extending another year why not graduate? Do you believe that some of your students are incapable of something? Hell no! Institution or university should not be doing these crap. Do you think the 100% of the what the student learned this pass years can be all be used when they get a job? Big NO, only a part of it will be used.

When you get a job you'll be in a different environment and thus you learn something new that don't exist on schools or university. Those knowledge will eventually be wasted. Lets face the reality. Not all the students are gifted and talented. So don't try to make someone perfect. Let be the one to inspire these students to make their way on getting a job not the one to pressure this students to do something your really wants ("earning higher exam passer, that is all you want and I'm totally right"). 

Bill Gates became one of the richest guy in the world, he was a college dropout of Harvard University. After long years he went back and finish his degree. He spoke on the graduation day and this is what he says.
I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.        Source 

To those student who will be extending a year, don't lose hope. You can do it, a lot of people get pass on this. If you think your tired, then stop for a while and continue later. The world will continue to spin and you find another quest, be picky this time okay. 

Congratulations to all the graduates and soon to graduates.
You next journey will be a tougher one. Getting yourself a job.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What can we get on yogurt?


Yogurt is a milk product which is fermented. It is mostly made of soy milk or nut milks like almonds and coconut milk. During fermentation bacteria are produce, during this process the lactic acids are created which acts on milk protein the gives the yogurt its textures and tang.
Here are the list of what yogurt is good for our health:
  • Osteoporosis Protection

  • Digestive Health 

  • Immune Support

Yogurt is contains healthy and good bacteria which helps our body. Our body need both bad and good bacteria, yet good bacteria must be in greater amount than bad bacteria. Yogurt aids in digestive health, this is because yogurt contains probiotics which boost our digestive systems functionality and boosting our immune system. Eating yogurt regulary also protects you from having Osteoporosi, this is due to the present of vitamin D. 

Disclaimer: Images present here are not mine.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ice cream health tips

Ice creams, this is known as one of best desserts and often present on kiddie parties. Icre cream has many health benefits, this contains vitamins and minerals that is good for our body. The vitamins and minerals we can get on ice creams depends on the ingredients use by the maker.

Ice cream is made by churning and chilling a mixture containing high-fat milk or cream, fructose- or glucose-based sweeteners, usually in the form of corn syrup, and flavorings such as vanilla or chocolate. When the mixture freezes, it develops the rich, creamy consistency of ice cream, a food that can affect your health in both positive and negative ways.

Good source of energy:
Although the nutritional content of ice cream varies among brands and types, in general it is an excellent source of energy. Ice cream is rich in carbohydrate, with about 15 grams in a one-half-cup serving. A serving also contains about 7 grams of fat and 2 grams of protein, making it an energy-dense food. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one-half cup of vanilla ice cream provides 137 kilocalories of energy, about twice the amount in one-half cup of whole milk. Ice cream is a good choice when you need energy or if you are pursuing a program to gain weight.

Sugar and Fat content:
Ice cream is a high-fat food, since it must contain greater than 10 percent milk fat to be designated ice cream.

Tips: Don't eat ice cream daily, this is because it has concentrated amount of sugar and a lot of fats content which is not good to your health, this can be contributed on increase of weight.

Disclaimer: Images herein present are not mine.